Trabucco Akura Carp 9000



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The Akura hooks are the bestselling hooks in the world, because their great quality and performances
offered by the high carbon percentages and steel used in production. The points are
chemically sharpened, hand tied with a Japanese monofilament of excellent quality, and checked
by 5 different quality controls They are extremely reliable and offered at a great value for
money. Available in two versions: the booklet and the card, both containing 10 hooks to nylon.

Dodatne informacije

Veličina - Struna -Dužina strune

08 – 0.200mm – 150cm
06 – 0.250mm – 150cm
04 – 0.250mm – 150cm
02 – 0.300mm – 150cm
01 – 0.350mm – 150cm
1/0 – 0.350mm – 150cm

